Steam Juicer


Here it is, our new Cook N Home Stainless-Steel Juicer Steamer. I have to say after using it a few times, it is awesome. There are different varieties available to buy, but stainless steel is recommended.

So why did we search for one now? In a word, chokecherries. We have loads of them this year, and while we like making syrups from them, we were definitely not looking forward to hours of cooking and squishing resulting in red-stained hands. Hence the search for something better, and here it is.


The steam juicer is a three part system. At the bottom is your pan for water to create the steam. In the middle is the collector pan which lets the steam rise from the bottom and collects the juice dripping from the top. On top is your fruit basket with holes in it to allow the juice to drip down. As the steam fills the fruit basket, the fruit breaks down releasing the juice into the collector pan.

The juicer is so easy to use you can almost set it up and walk away. I say almost since you need to check the water every 45 min to ensure the pan doesn’t boil dry. It’s not recommended you stir or press the fruit because you will be pushing the pulp through the strainer holes. With our chokecherries I would fill the basket, turn on the stove and let it steam for 45-60 minutes before turning it off and letting it cool. That’s it! How simple is that!?

Chokecherry juice
Chokecherry juice

You can use this for any kind of fruit or vegetable you want to juice, so if you are one who likes to make your own juices, jellies, or jams, I highly recommend using a steam juicer. 🙂